Job Seekers

NH Employment Security is the place to start when you're looking for your first job, your next job, a better job, or a whole new career. We have free services, resources, and tools to help you with the entire job search process. You do not need to be claiming unemployment benefits or be out of work to use our services.

NHES provides priority of service to veterans and eligible spouses for the receipt of employment and training services. For services, contact your nearest NHES office and identify yourself as a veteran.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Job Match System?

The Job Match System is New Hampshire Employment Security's Job Matching Service. The Job Match System allows job seekers to conduct a job search using Internet spider technology to view jobs posted by employers and match skills to positions posted on national job boards and private industry web sites. The JMS features a resume and letter builder to generate a new resume to be sent to employers. Job seekers can also explore the regional labor market for information such as the average weekly earnings for a position or the fastest growing occupations.

For additional information about the Job Match System you may contact your local office.

What is the Resource Center?

NHES Resource Centers are an integral part of the NH WORKS System. Each Center is designed to provide individuals with a variety of services in a self-service environment. Employment opportunities are available through online computers, job bulletin boards and help wanted ads from local newspapers. These Resource Centers provide the user with PCs for self-directed work search activities including resume formats, cover letters and software for career exploration. The Center is staffed with a coordinator to assist customers with the Internet and answer questions. Some of the additional services available at no charge are various workshops, employment-related videos, a resource library, fax machine, copy machine and telephones for local calls. All Resource Centers have TTY access.

Where are these Resource Centers Located?

They are located within the NH Employment Security offices throughout the State.

What is the NH WORKS System?

The NH WORKS System is a partnership between a number of government agencies and community organizations to provide services, resources, and information to employers and job seekers. The Resource Centers deliver these services and information within the NH Employment Security Offices across the State. Information about the NH WORKS System is available at

Other than the Job Match System (JMS), how do I find out about employment opportunities?

You may visit your New Hampshire Employment Security local office in person. The Resource Center provides job seekers with computer access to jobs throughout the State and the Nation. In addition, most local offices have jobs posted on bulletin boards. Help wanted ads from local newspapers are also displayed in each office. Some offices also provide opportunities to meet with employers and armed forces recruiters in the local office. See Job Match System.

Do you need to be unemployed to use these services?

No, employment services are available to all individuals that have a legal right to accept work in the U.S.

Are there other Employment Services available?

Yes, certain staff members are dedicated to providing one-on-one services to applicants eligible for special programs. Some of these programs include veterans, recipients of Unemployment Compensation, and individuals in need of training.

What information is presented at a workshop?

Workshops provide information on such topics as: job search techniques, resume preparation, interviewing skills and networking. Contact your local office for schedules and other workshops that may be offered in your area.

What other Job Search Tools are available?

Reference books, online job searching portals, career projections, employer profiles, newspaper help wanted ads and labor market information are all available in the Resource Center library. In addition, our online Job Match System will match applicants with employer job listings using skills, job requirements and other related data. Also, the Center has a calendar of employers doing onsite recruiting.

How does O*NET work as a Career Selection tool?

O*NET helps users to analyze and sort through vast amounts of important information about occupations, educational institutions, programs of study and financial aid sources. It can easily show users the connection between an occupation, the programs of study that lead to that occupation and which institutions offer those programs.

How often are the jobs updated?

Jobs are added, updated and deleted on a daily basis (Monday through Friday) as information is received from employers.

What services are available for Veterans?

NH Veterans receive priority of service to the full range of public employment and training services in all NH Employment Security Offices across the State. These services also include referrals to other supportive service agencies such as the State Office of Veterans Services; the Veterans Administration/Vocational Rehabilitation Division; the Veterans Employment and Training Service and other Veteran service organizations.

What is Trade Act On-the-Job Training (OJT)?

On-the-Job Training under the Trade Act offers a financial incentive to employers to hire and train Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) eligible participants who lost their jobs due to foreign competition. You, the employer, agree to provide on-the-job training to a (TAA) eligible participant and the TAA program reimburses you up to 50 percent of the trainee's starting wage for the contract period.

What is NH Working - Return to Work (RTW) Program?

The Return to Work initiative is an opportunity for a trainee to get their foot in the door and learn new skills and an opportunity for an employer to train without the accompanying costs. The training must be authorized through New Hampshire Employment Security prior to the beginning of the training. Eligible claimants will continue to collect their unemployment benefits, including those eligible for partial benefits. It's a win-win for both employer and job seekers.

What is the USDOL Apprenticeship Program?

NHES works in coordination with the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Apprenticeship & Training to assist employers in developing performance standards and establishing apprenticeship programs. This program combines classroom training with on-the-job work experience and results in employment. Contact the Office of Apprenticeship & Training at (603) 225-1444.

What other training opportunities are available?

An eligible individual may be referred to training through various agencies. Some of these agencies include CAP Agencies, Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), and the Veterans Administration (VA).

What other types of Supportive Services are available?

NHES networks with other agencies on an ongoing basis to provide information and assistance for selective placement; to assist people with disabilities; training programs; veterans; and placement of affirmative action candidates. We coordinate services with the CAP Agencies, Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Veterans Affairs, Vocational Rehabilitation, Job Corps, local high schools and adult education services and other State agencies. In this manner, we employ the one-stop concept to provide efficient, timely, courteous service to meet the needs of employers and the public.

Are there any charges for these services?

No, this is a free employment service for all individuals who have a legal right to accept work in the U.S.